If you're like most people, when January 1st rolls around, you've got quite a bit going on. Final holiday celebrations might still be on the calendar, college bowl games are on TV, and you've got that list of resolutions to attend to. We're going to suggest you add one more item to that list—and make …
If you or anyone you know has ever suffered from shingles, you don't have to be told how painful and disruptive the condition is. Shingles is a rash that typically occurs on just one side of the face or torso. Blisters result from the rash, with scabbing happening in a week to 10 days. The …
Another Thanksgiving may have come and gone, and if you're like many people, a few new pounds may have shown up, adding to the appearance you've already been struggling to get under control. Do you have fatty areas that resist going away through exercise and dieting? Are you ready now to address this problem with …