Yearly Archives: 2019

Woman in towel frowning.

Kick Off the New Year with a BOTOX® Boost and Your Best Face Ever!

You want every year to be even better than the last, right? Make your New Year BOTOX appointment in the Greater Houston area with DermSurgery Associates now and step into 2020 with your best face ever! BOTOX offers one of the safest, easiest, time-tested pathways to a more youthful you. What exactly does BOTOX do? BOTOX …

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Cancer screen, December 2-6, 2019

Cancer Screen Week is Here: Make an Appointment This Week at DermSurgery Associates for Your Annual Skin Check

The American Cancer Society says almost 607,000 people are expected to die of cancer in 2019. Regular screening can help find certain cancers early, when they are most likely to be treated successfully. Cancer Screen Week is a public health initiative founded by Genentech, the American Cancer Society, Stand Up To Cancer and Rally Health …

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Scratching a red hand.

What Triggers Eczema? Tips for Relief and Prevention

Winter weather can be tough on your skin, especially if you’re prone to eczema. The cold air, low humidity, and indoor heating can strip your skin of essential moisture, leading to dryness, itching, and irritation. At DermSurgery Associates, we understand the challenges eczema sufferers face during the colder months. If your eczema tends to flare …

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Woman having face examined by medical professional.

Empower yourself: be an educated and informed patient.

As a patient, you are constantly being marketed to. Arm yourself with knowledge and know how to find the appropriate provider for your issues. 1. Only see a board-certified Dermatologist for your skin conditions! Some providers will market themselves or their practice as “Dermatology”; however, they have never received ANY formal training in dermatology! Anybody …

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Bare-shouldered woman.

PicoSure Laser Treatments for Tattoo Removal and Skin Revitalization

PicoSure, DermSurgery Associates’ best option for non-invasive tattoo removal, is also a highly effective treatment for acne scars, wrinkles, freckles, sun spots and brown spots, general sun damage and discoloration. PicoSure laser treatment technology is just one of the advanced, state-of-the-art cosmetic treatments offered by the specially trained staff at DermSurgery Associates. It’s a safe …

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Woman with red, itchy forearm.

Psoriasis and You

Psoriasis is a common skin condition where increased inflammation causes skin rashes that are thick and scaly. Dr. Riahi wants to educate you about some other associations. 1. Increased risk of heart attack: patients with psoriasis have an increased risk of heart attack. Make sure you have a PCP or Cardiologist who is monitoring your …

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Teen boy with acne.

What are the Best Acne Treatment Options?

What is the best acne treatment? This is a question we hear regularly at DermSurgery Associates. It’s a common question with a wide variety of answers. Your skin is just as unique as you are, and the type of acne you experience will dictate the right answer for you. Only your dermatologist can really determine …

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