Just about everybody is interested in having nice skin. Some of us go to great lengths, in fact, to make our skin look better. One of the best – and most natural – ways to pamper your skin throughout your life is with the food you eat. Let’s look at how nutrition affects the skin.
What is “nutrition”?
For our purposes, “nutrition” means anything you put into your body. For the sake of this discussion, let’s separate the idea of “nutrition” from “nutritious,” because the two are not always the same. What we see on or in our skin is in many ways a direct reflection of the substances we ingest. The more quality foods and liquids we consume, the better the results in our skin as well as in every other area of our physiology.
So how do we eat in a way that benefits our skin rather than causes it harm? It’s really not complicated, but it does take some commitment and creativity to structure your diet in a way that focuses on how nutrition affects the skin.
Skin is a body part, and as such it is supported by what we eat. A lively, healthy appearance starts with eating a lively, healthy diet that centers around water-based “alive” foods such as fruits and vegetables. The many foods within these categories provide excellent nutrition for skin cells along with the extra water we all need for optimum skin health.
What about water?
It would be difficult to get all the water the body needs from only fruits and vegetables. In addition to these food items, we need water, which either directly or indirectly positively affects every body system. Purified or bottled water is better than tap water, but tap water is better than no water.
Overall health
Beyond a diet that includes plenty of water-based foods, we should look also at every aspect of our health and how we take care of ourselves. Proper hygiene practices (bathing, cleansing, etc.), exercise, rest and sleep are all important in producing soft, smooth and healthy skin. When considering how nutrition affects the skin, don’t overlook the many other aspects of skin and bodily health.
Best foods for healthy skin
To get you started, here are some foods that experts agree are excellent for the skin. The fruits and vegetables listed are considered the “best of the best”:
- Dark chocolate with at least 70% cacao (read labels!)
- Yogurt
- Broccoli
- Tropical fruits
- Almonds
- Whole grain pasta, bread, etc.
- Carrots
- Pumpkin seeds
- Fish – best choices include salmon, sardines, mackerel, rainbow trout and anchovies.
It’s important to know how nutrition affects the skin, and it’s also important to know that there are adjunct skin therapies available. If you have skin pigmentation issues, unsightly spots, wrinkles, sun damage or other related conditions that you’d like to treat as you go about modifying your diet, call DermSurgery Associates of Houston. We provide a full menu of advanced skin treatments designed to make you look your best all over your body. Call 713.791.9966.
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DermSurgery Associates is a Greater Houston area dermatology practice offering cosmetic, surgical and non-invasive dermatology treatments with industry-leading physicians trained and experienced with the most current dermatology technologies and procedures. For more information, contact
DermSurgery Associates
7515 Main, Suite 240
Houston, TX 77030
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