Using a carefully focused beam of laser light delivered through a sophisticated liquid light guide delivery system, the XTRAC system is designed to clear unsightly psoriatic skin plaques quickly and effectively. Because it concentrates light on active lesions, XTRAC allows your health care technician to deliver the high therapeutic doses necessary for rapid clearing without risk to healthy skin.
For decades, dermatologists have used ultra-violet light therapy for the effective and safe treatment of many skin disorders, including psoriasis. The medical engineers and research teams at PhotoMedex in coordination with Rox Anderson, M.D. at Harvard Medical School and Wellman Center of PhotoMedicine in Boston, created the XTRAC to produce a monochromatic wavelength (308nm) of ultraviolet light known to positively impact the psoriasis action spectrum.
XTRAC has been cleared by the FDA and cited in over 45 clinical studies and research programs with findings published in peer-reviewed medical journals around the world. XTRAC is also endorsed by the National Psoriasis Foundation and the technology is part of the approved clinical protocols recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology. Over 2 million XTRAC treatments have been performed by leading dermatologists around the world and with excellent patient results.