How To Take Care of Your Skin During a Wacky Houston Winter

Mom applying sunscreen to daughter's nose in snowy setting.

Wintertime in Houston is fickle. We know this.

Hot. Cold. Damp. Windy. Dry… How is a person to know how to care for his or her skin with weather that can’t make up its mind?

Here are a few tips for staying on top of the changing needs of your skin this winter:

Water is always the answer.

Skin is very susceptible to fluctuations in the weather. Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin hydrated, no matter the temperature.

Sunscreen…ALSO, always the answer.

Hot or cold, you should always protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun. Sometimes when it’s cold outside, the sun can feel so good warming the skin of your face. It’s hard to remember that sun damage will still happen even when it’s cold. Make it a habit to apply sunscreen every day of the year.

Vary your skincare products according to daily conditions.

The humidity and heat can change dramatically on any given day, so be prepared to change your skincare products to reflect what is needed. On hot, humid days, avoid heavy, sticky moisturizing products. Choose a light moisturizer instead. On the other hand, those heavier products may be perfect for drier, windier, colder days when your skin might tend to dehydrate.

Keep your skincare products at a stable temperature.

Dramatic shifts in temperature can destabilize certain ingredients, damaging the product so it doesn’t function as you expect. Take care to protect it from very high or very cool temperatures.

Keep an eye on emerging skin conditions.

Extremes in weather can exacerbate skin issues like acne and eczema, or even trigger new conditions. Be sure to check with your dermatologist if you notice changes like rashes, bumps and blisters.

The bottom line is to pay close attention to what your skin is telling you. The best way to make sure you stay at the top of your skin care game is to turn to professionals for advice. DermSurgery Associates’ staff live in Houston too, and they know all too well how this crazy weather can wreak havoc on our skin!

Make an appointment today and let the experts recommend a flexible, season-defying skin-care routine to get you through the winter. Call us today at 713-791-9966. Or click here to set an appointment. We’ll get through this together!

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